Friday, September 18, 2009

If You're Sick & Ya Know It.....

... um sneeze? So Wednesday I had a sore throat, and was feeling kinda crummy. Then Thursday morning, Jt woke me up and I looked at him and said "I feel like poopy." Sure enough I had a fever, achy, congested, runny nose, and just generally feeling well crappy. So I took some tylenol, Kaligirl & Guitarzan moved into their own place across the street, after Labor Day weekend. She was getting their cable hooked up so she came over to get her computer. I opened the door and said "I'm sick." She offered to take S.S for a lil bit so I could get some rest. As soon as she went out the door with him, I lock the front door and went to go soak in the tub. I knew the fever had returned because I was freezing again, and even had goose bumps in the tub. 0.o Turns out the fever was 102. So more tylenol, I started reading Eclipse yesterday and knocked out in the chair.
The kids get home from school and I told them look Mommy is really sick so I'm gonna go in my room for a bit. Then I decided ok another bath would be good. Yes 2 baths in one day, I'm a clean sick person damnit!!! Jt comes home from work, God bless him he brought me some tylenol severe cold medicine, & sprite. I passed out on the couch while watching tv with the family. Jt wakes me up at 8 pm to get in bed, so I did. Then couldn't go back to sleep until around 10, at one point I got up, to go get another sprite, and saw my arch nemesis sitting on the top shelf in the fridge.... staring back at me was orange juice. (I hate juice by the way. Juice is not my buddy.... I'd much rather drink plain water. For those of you who know how much I hate water... realize how much I detest juice.)
I got up this morning with Jt, after the kids had left for school already. I took a dose of the cold meds, drank some coffee with Jt. Then he says I got you some orange juice too, and I want you to drink some of it today. I said "Yep I saw it last night when I got up to get a sprite." The fever is staying away with the meds. Under strict orders from Dr. Jt, I am now choking down a glass of orange juice. I've only been working on this glass of orange juice for about 2 hours. I know my husband he will check the container of orange juice when he gets home to make sure that I did drink some of it. S.S. has a cough, so I gave him a dose of his triaminic. No fever though for him.
At the rate I'm going with this glass of orange juice, I may have it finished by noon. So cheers y'all. Btw I don't think I have swine flu.... I'm not snorting or anything. :p

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