Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sarcastic One Liners

Lol so I've come to the conclusion...... that my children are just as sarcastic and full of attitude as I am. Drama Queen is the most random of them all, and she ALWAYS speaks her mind. How most of us have that lil bell go off in our heads, when we're about to say something that we know we shouldn't? Well that bell is missing from Miss Drama Queen's head. lol A one liner from her, which made me go into my room and laugh my butt off, was is she is now at that stage, where she is quite morbid. But she is so serious and matter of fact about it, that you can't help but laugh. When we had tornado warnings a couple of weeks back, which I at first reassured her that we would be ok, and then I cracked up. "If we get a tornado we'll die." Or... "If you eat too much of that you'll get diabetes." So about every end of a sentence with her is now some kind of medical problem or you die.

My favorite one liner I thought up in the past 2 weeks is "That boy is so wigga, he makes Vanilla Ice look gangsta!" Admit it, you are now singing Ice, Ice, Baby in your head, probably busting out with the running man too.

Leave comments with some of your favorite sarcastic quotes. :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Couple Time

Oh wow this time with my husband Jt, was AMAZING. For one yes we do have 4 children, and an emo dog Smushface. We have been happily together since March, 23, 2003. During that time up until now, we've only gotten some couple time in April of 05, when we went down to Kemah for a few days, as a belated honeymoon to eachother being we got married March 23, 2005. Since then while we've went out here and there, although not often. We've never gotten away just us. Sometimes love needs a holiday, & for us, this was well earned, and well needed. Both of us came back home with a renewed sense of self, & acting like we had just began dating. Yes I know what you're thinking, after 6 years of being together, you're still crazy about eachother? To answer your question: yes. Our first night there was Sunday so we went out to dinner at Western Sizzling. If y'all haven't ordered a steak from there, you my friends are seriously missing out. If you have one close to you, go. Mine and Jt's favorite restaurant we went too was Fisherman's Wharf. The restaurant is beautiful, with it being right on the water, & the food was sensational. I ate swordfish for the first time, and let me tell you, that was hands down the best fish I have ever eaten. The waiter was super nice, although at one point I wasn't too sure if he was hitting on me or my husband, once we finished dinner and got in our car, Jt echoed that very thought. lmfao So yes we both had a wonderful time. It was nice being just a couple & not being Mom and Dad.

Friday, September 18, 2009

If You're Sick & Ya Know It.....

... um sneeze? So Wednesday I had a sore throat, and was feeling kinda crummy. Then Thursday morning, Jt woke me up and I looked at him and said "I feel like poopy." Sure enough I had a fever, achy, congested, runny nose, and just generally feeling well crappy. So I took some tylenol, Kaligirl & Guitarzan moved into their own place across the street, after Labor Day weekend. She was getting their cable hooked up so she came over to get her computer. I opened the door and said "I'm sick." She offered to take S.S for a lil bit so I could get some rest. As soon as she went out the door with him, I lock the front door and went to go soak in the tub. I knew the fever had returned because I was freezing again, and even had goose bumps in the tub. 0.o Turns out the fever was 102. So more tylenol, I started reading Eclipse yesterday and knocked out in the chair.
The kids get home from school and I told them look Mommy is really sick so I'm gonna go in my room for a bit. Then I decided ok another bath would be good. Yes 2 baths in one day, I'm a clean sick person damnit!!! Jt comes home from work, God bless him he brought me some tylenol severe cold medicine, & sprite. I passed out on the couch while watching tv with the family. Jt wakes me up at 8 pm to get in bed, so I did. Then couldn't go back to sleep until around 10, at one point I got up, to go get another sprite, and saw my arch nemesis sitting on the top shelf in the fridge.... staring back at me was orange juice. (I hate juice by the way. Juice is not my buddy.... I'd much rather drink plain water. For those of you who know how much I hate water... realize how much I detest juice.)
I got up this morning with Jt, after the kids had left for school already. I took a dose of the cold meds, drank some coffee with Jt. Then he says I got you some orange juice too, and I want you to drink some of it today. I said "Yep I saw it last night when I got up to get a sprite." The fever is staying away with the meds. Under strict orders from Dr. Jt, I am now choking down a glass of orange juice. I've only been working on this glass of orange juice for about 2 hours. I know my husband he will check the container of orange juice when he gets home to make sure that I did drink some of it. S.S. has a cough, so I gave him a dose of his triaminic. No fever though for him.
At the rate I'm going with this glass of orange juice, I may have it finished by noon. So cheers y'all. Btw I don't think I have swine flu.... I'm not snorting or anything. :p

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Eviction Of Buford

First off I have no clue why I named it Buford, guess it's because b for butt. Point being I had a pain in my ass literally. (I'm talking about a hemorrhoid for those of you who can't figure it out. lol) This is the same Buford I have dealt with since the birth of Mini-me 11 years ago. But it always went away with the preparation h. This time however, Buford mutated. By mutated I mean, it's like the darn thing was drinking miracle gro.
Within 3 days, it was huge. By huge I mean, picture if you will, half of your booty is taken up by this "thing." So I had an "aha" moment. I thought
ok, get a different preparation h, and do the sitz baths. No relief at all. So Tuesday morning I decided I would take a picture of Buford with my cell phone, so I could see it. Then I had an even better idea, and decided I would then email this picture to my Mom down in Texas, being that I couldn't have her look at it, since we live 8 hours apart from eachother. Let me tell you that was one embarrassing conversation to have with my Mom. It went something like this:

Me: "Um Mom... I need your opinion on something... check your email.
Mom: "
Ok, what is it"
Me: "Well I have a hemorrhoid & it's huge. I can't explain it so I took a pic."
Mom: *laughs*
Me: "So what should I do?"
Mom: "Go to a doctor."

I'm stubborn as heck being that
Guitarzan's (my brother in law) fiance Kaligirl, told me before I talked to my Mom, to go to the hospital. So what do I do? I then call the hospital, and get their opinion. The hospital's reply: "You need to come in and be evaluated." ( I told y'all I was stubborn.) So there I sat in the garage, ok not really sitting, more like balancing on my left hip, sideways in the chair. Smoking a cigarette, and preparing myself for the most EMBARRASSING reason I have ever went to a hospital for. Yes, hush I know what you are thinking. "She's had kids, why should she be embarrassed about having her southern half looked at." That my friends is an easy answer. The hoo-hoo being looked at is one thing, having your pooper looked at is an entirely different story.
With my trusty, cell phone in hand,
Kaligirl takes me to our ER. First off the waiting room was EMPTY. I totally had a "Dawn Of The Dead" moment, but was happy being that I wouldn't have to sit in the waiting room. Sitting at this point was a cruel joke indeed. Actually if someone would have said to me "Have a seat", I would have probably punched them in the face. Well ok not probably I would have. I filled out the sign in sheet, and told the receptionist that I had spoken to someone at the hospital, about Buford and they said to come in. In the span of a minute, I was in triage. Woohoo for speedy service. After being checked out, into a room I go. The nurse passes me one of those mandatory hospital gowns.

Nurse: "
Ok put this on, & get in the bed."
Me: "Do I have to take everything off?"
Nurse: "Yes."
Me: "Even my bra?"
Nurse: "Yes, everything."
Me: "Okay but I'm not taking off my socks."

I then showed the nurse the picture of Buford on my cell phone and said:

"This is Buford, & I want Buford to leave. But Buford refuses to go bye-bye."

The nurse was cracking up laughing and said "You're
definitely the best Er patient we've ever had." I said well the last time we were here, was due to the fact that our youngest son, put a bb in his ear. (He was also told he was the best er patient they had.) The nurse said "Oh yeah I was here that night, did the Ent get the bb out." I said yeppers.

Kaligirl kept me in good spirits. She had dealt with this before, & at that point the comedic relief she provided was appreciated. Then the world as I knew it forever changed. The dr. came in, looked at Buford and said two words that automatically pushed my anxiety over the edge. I heard "needle" & "cut." The doctor said that Buford was a thrombosed external hemorrhoid, and the reason why the preparation h was not helping. I then said "Well y'all better give me something for my nerves, because I'm about to crawl outta my skin." A short while later, the male nurse came in and gave me a medicine cup full of happy pills. One percocet & 3 ativan's. Within perhaps 30 minutes, I was higher than all the hippies at woodstock. I don't care, that needle going into the hemorrhoid with the lidacain, hurt like a mofo. I felt like my butt was on fire.
The ending to this ordeal is that Buford died. The clot was almost dime sized, which was why I was hurting so badly. My parting gifts were: a butt full of gauze, being lost somewhere between
loopyville and fubared, & a prescription for percocet. I am healing well, but still hurt, the potty and I are not friends at the moment.

SWV aka Mama times 4

Friday, August 21, 2009

Schizophrenic Superhero & Smushface......HELP!!!!!!

Why does Schizophrenic-Superhero (for short S.S.)have to have every t.v. in the house on Nick? I try to escape the noise, but no matter where I go in the house..... I HEAR IT!!! If I turn it off in my room, oh bloody hades, hell hath no fury like wolverine/spiderman/the hulk/batman/hellboy/willy wonka & spongebob all rolled into one!!!! Yes and I'm dreading the day he starts school too. I can just see it now. Being called to school on the first day because some kid ticked off the Schizophrenic Superhero, which involved him jumping off a desk, onto another child saying "You made HULK mad!" Lets not forget too that Mr. S.S, also torments his older siblings, yesterday he was boxing with his oldest brother. The child can hit, he had slept in bed with us this weekend, and was restless, I finally went to sleep around 4 a.m. Only to be rudely woken up by being decked in chin. Hell it hurt, I glared at him and vowed to my self "Self no more s.s. in the bed.... ever."

I have been tormented since 7 a.m. with Go Diego Go & Dora The Explorer. Lets not forget his favorite thing to torment me with, LEGO'S. I hate lego's, & I think the maker of Lego's should be burned to the ground. In my defense there is only so much you can take of stepping on those suckers, in the middle of the night, while going to the bathroom. It hurts. So I did the smart thing and threw all that I could find, in the trash. Of course while S.S. was sleeping, see I am to smart. But..... not smart enough. HE STILL HAS THEM!!!! I have no idea where they came from, I sure as hell haven't bought any more of those torture tools. So I've come to the conclusion he has a hidey hole somewhere in this house, that is the lego's safe haven from Mom. S.S. must have shared this "secret place" with our dog Smushface, because when you ask Smushface if he wants to go outside, he disappears. We have looked all over the house when he is "missing", and you still cannot find him. Smushface is pretty smart though, being we'd spell outside, and he'd still know what we meant. Goal for the day: Find the "secret place" of the lego's & Smushface.



Hola! That is the extent of my spanish, sadly listening to Dora The Explorer, & Diego, has not furthered my spanish speaking capabilities. I am a full time stay at home mom & housewife. My husband *Jt* and I have 4 children: 13 yr old The Good One our oldest son, 11 yr old Mini-me our oldest daughter, 6 yr old Drama Queen our babygirl & 4 yr old Schizophrenic Super-hero our babyboy. I cannot forget our furbrat Teddy a.k.a Smushface our japanese chin, & back from the dead twice Mini-me's pet rat Princess.

I'd like to thank "snafuzzled" for turning me to this site.